Common Benefits of Rolfing
What is Rolfing? | The Rolfing® Series | Common Benefits of Rolfing® | About Ida Rolf
Rolfing® works with the basic tenant that the function of a person, or any aspect of physical reality, depends to a large degree on its form or structure; structure = function. In this sense, a well-formed or well-organized thing, a body in this case, has the potential to function well. In turn, a well-functioning body has the potential to create in itself a structural condition where in it responds to and interacts with its environment optimally. So, many aspects of dis-ease potentially fall within the realm of being treated by structural bodywork such as Rolfing.
Brings balance/symmetry to the body.
Creates space in the body so that there can be clarity of relationships between body parts, including the viscera (internal organs).
Alleviates strains that can be the cause of chronic and acute pain and discomfort.
Improves range of motion through joints.
Improves circulation, breathing and awareness.
Improves vitality, increases energy.
Fosters gracefulness and ease of movement.
Can help address and relieve back pain, lower back pain, joint pain, general pain and discomfort, migraines, TMJ, asthma, organ function, Parkinson’s, stress and anxiety.